Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Recovery Roadblock: 7 weeks post ACL surgery

   So I haven't written lately, since there hasn't been much exciting to write about. It's been 7 weeks post op now (well, technically Tomorrow). I'm doing fairly well but I did hit a minor roadblock. I met yesterday with my Orthopedic Surgeon, and he said I'm having all the trouble bending my knee due to inflammation. Here's the kicker... my knee isn't abnormally swollen, or even sore. But I'm no doctor and I know for a fact how much my knee hates bending. I was prescribed a steroid anti-inflammatory and I see him again in 2 weeks for hopefully what will have been progress.

Good, New changes:
* I can do leg raises, I even do weighted leg raises
* My balance and strength are returning
* I got a performance sleeve, which keeps my knee from swelling and I can put ice sheets directly into the sleeve which has been wonderful.
* Swelling has gone way down! I no longer have a monster knee
* I'm out of the immobilizer and off crutches! I've been out for about a week, and during work I wear my compression sleeve and my pre-surgery ACL brace. I still move slowly and cautiously but I'm moving.
* Pain levels aren't bad at all... except a few times at PT have been uncomfortable.
* I'm rocking on the bicycle, can't bend enough to get all the way around just yet.
Forcing my Knee to bend with light weight

This is about how much bend I can get on my own; muscle tone is 
slowly returning!

My incisions look great, and it's almost a normal knee again!

   I've been vigilant about going to Physical Therapy, and doing my home exercises. I was even cleared to get back into the gym and do upper body. I've started noticing the little things in my recovery; I can walk upstairs like an adult, still have to go down like a small child because I don't have the eccentric control. I sleep better at night and don't wake up every time I need to readjust. I can clear the bathtub so I don't have to maneuver myself into it. I have progressed in physical therapy well and my strength is slowly returning. While the past 7 weeks has passed, it's hard to believe it's been almost 2 months since surgery. Honestly, I had been hoping by now I would be a little further along, but every person heals differently.
   I knew this recovery would be a long road, but it often feels like time is at a stand-still. It's very frustrating to feel incapable of the smallest things. Not to mention, I deal with pain fairly often due to a physical therapist forcefully bending my knee. I know it has to be done, and it's in my best interest, but damn is it painful some days! There are good days and bad days, and yesterday was a bad day. While I have increased flexion from 40 degrees to 80-85 degrees, I should be at 90 degrees easily. I have two weeks to get to 120 degrees. I am trying to keep my hopes high that this roadblock won't be a serious one!